The UKMT Intermediate Mathematics Challenge is aimed at pupils in Year 11 or below in England and Wales, Year 12 or below in Northern Ireland and S4 or below in Scotland. The challenge involves answering 25 multiple choice questions in one hour and is sat in school under normal exam conditions. Pupils fill in the answer sheet in B or HB pencil and the Challenge is marked by UKMT using an optical mark reader. (Source :
Large Numbers, Roman Numerals, Multiplication, Division, Mixed Operations, Unitary Method, Geometry, Natural and Whole Numbers, Fractions, Measurement - Length, Mass & Capacity, Decimals, Time, Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc., Logical Reasoning, Money Transactions, Symmetry, Graphs, Numbers, Tangram, Tiling, estimation, Data Handling

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Large Numbers, Roman Numerals, Multiplication, Division, Mixed Operations, Unitary Method, Natural and Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Geometry, Measurement - Length, Mass & Capacity, Ratio & Proportions, Percentages, Time, Money Transactions, Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc., Logical Reasoning, Number System, Computation Operations, Data Handling, Graphs, Numbers, Pictograph, Simplification

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Large Numbers, Natural and Whole Numbers, Integers, Fractions, Decimals, Ratio & Proportions, Percentages, Geometry, Mensuration - Perimeter, Area, Volume, etc., Algebra, Data Handling, Logical Reasoning, Unitary Method, Symmetry, Number System, Linear Equations In One Variable, Simplification, Triangles, Quadratic Equations, Numbers, Cubes and Cube Root

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